Hotel Discounts Available

Looking for a place to stay while you’re attending the reunion in August? Linda Matteson has worked with a few local hotels for some deals. If you call the listed contact number you can book at a discount (tell them you’re with HHS Reunion) or (if you’re a member of one of the hotel chain loyalty programs and want to book online) get a booking link for the discount.

Here we go:

1 – Main Stay DTC (303-792-5393), $76 per night

2 – Holiday Inn & Suites DTC (303-708-3000), $139-$149 per night, includes breakfast. Contact at this number is Jenna.

3 – Embassy Suites DTC (303-792-0433), $145 per night with breakfast and two-drink happy hour! (BEST DEAL) Contact at this number is Stephanie.

4 – Hyatt DTC (720-358-7228), $225 per night (kinda pricy…)

Thank you, Linda, for your work in getting the discounts!